Last night was our second Friday night fish fry here in Governors Harbor. This time I ate more and drank less so I was well behaved and still remember events as they happened. This week there are about ten boats in the harbor and all of those crews were in attendance.

This morning we were underway at 0900 for a 23 mile day to our chosen anchorage near the bridge known as the Glass Window.

As soon as we had cleared the anchorage we raised the sails and killed the engine. The winds were supposed to be between 5 and 10 knots.

Happy Hour was hosted by Jim and Nancy on Solitaire. There are 4 boats in the anchorage and everyone was invited. We spent the evening swapping stories and laughed for a couple of hours straight.
Tomorrow its on to Current Cut. Current Cut is a narrow gap that splits the north end of the island of Eleuthera. The tidal flow through Current Cut can reach 5 knots. Theres land on one side and a shallow reef on the other side. You really don’t want to try and negotiate Current Cut with the tide flowing against you. Slack tide would be best or at least ebbing as you travel north. Tomorrow high tide is at 1100 hours. We’re eleven miles away so we’ll leave 2 and a half hours early to make sure we arrive just as the high tide starts to ebb. We’ll see how it goes.
Glad to hear your having a GREAT time, wish we were still there. Don't hurry home, no lobster to be found!!!! Miss ya..
Love S/V Packet Inn
We are interpreting the week-long silence from Veranda as evidence you've made it to the wi-fi-less Berrys. We're in Marsh Harbor until tomorrow then north to Great Guana.
Soooooo......your retiring to Gov Harbor to dance you life away on FFF????? Does Chrissy know????
How about some more blog to keep us
Vero Beachers up to date?????
Love Ya
Captain Goat Man and his Galley Wench!!!!!
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