When last we left you, we were sitting here waiting for Thanksgiving Day to arrive in Vero Beach. The company that used to provide internet access to the anchorage has gone out of business so internet has been really sketchy. The marina has promised to address the issue, but for now it semi sucks.
As fate would have it there was a perfect window for crossing to the Bahamas……..on Thanksgiving Day. As much as I enjoy sharing the holiday with good friends, I have to admit that I was more than a bit jealous as I watched several other friends head out to stage for this chance at crossing. With no commitments for dinner they were free to take advantage of this early season crossing opportunity. We’ve received word that they are safe in Lucaya after an uneventful crossing and for that we are grateful. Sundrenched bastards.
But, by the time we received word that they were safely across we had already had the chance to share our Thanksgiving holiday and my perspective had changed a bit. We’ll hopefully have the opportunity to cross shortly and we didn’t have to forgo the opportunity to share an absolutely fabulous meal with the best part about cruising…..the people you meet.
Jay & Di were hosting dinner for 4 couples and it soon ballooned into a meal for 17 people. With so many people the seating

There were experienced cruisers, some who had just finished their inaugural year and others who will be cutting the docklines in a few short months. It really was a perfect evening, a terrific meal, interesting conversation, perfect company, the Cowboys lost and apple pie. What more could a man ask for? If your Thanksgiving was only half as good as ours then congratulations, you had a great Turkey Day too.