Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 24, 2012.

Beneteau has their line of Oceanus sail boats and Jeanneau has their Sun Odyssey series. This 40 foot Hanse is an example of the new Hanse Thighblaster series. Having the throttle and shift controls 8 inches off the deck makes boat handling a breeze...if you're a short 8 year old. The boat does come with a leaning post type bench that bridges the aft end of the cockpit but why use that when you can just squat your way across miles of water.
Wow, Johnny, have you been working out? No, I just picked up my new Hanse 40 Thighblaster. Besides the obvious benefit of a lower body workout, there’s no more reason to go below when nature calls. Since you're already squatting anyway.....


Cathy Trails said...

Gosh. I need to get out to the waters! This looks like too much fun :)

S/V Veranda said...

Any more fun and somebody would outlaw it....;)

Mike Davis said...

Some one doesn't know how to read blue prints ?

S/V Veranda said...

I think the problem lies with the guy who draws the blueprints.....

JD said...

Bill -- Very funny stuff... utterly hilarious. Been anutralong (new word) time since I first met you and Christy as you were sorta starting your adventures. Enjoyed your hospitality and afternoon at the HH pool. Will never forget your kindness & generosity of spirit! Thanks & sorry to read about Molly's passing.

Cheers... JD